


soybean Monsoon variety, plant-based bio-product, soy milk, fermentation, consistency, thickeners.


When choosing a fermented plant-based product, the consumer pays attention to the consistency of the finished product, its taste and aroma. Thick creamy bioproducts are very popular. The aim of the study is to study the possibility of using stabilizers to obtain a product with a homogeneous consistency without separating the serum. The objectives of the study are to determine the amount of the additive and to work out the technological modes of production of a bioproduct based on soy milk obtained from soybean seeds of Primorsky selection. The fermentation of the soy base was carried out by a thermostatic method at a temperature of 40 °C, to a pH level of 4.5-4.75. The possibility of using food additives has been studied: citrus pectin (TroPectin VIS 52), agar 1000, sodium alginate 1000, as well as the complex additive Avistol ASTM 260. The stabilizer was introduced into the plant base at the normalization stage. The best consistency is achieved when using a complex additive including Avistol ASTM 260 and TroPectin VIS 52 in an amount of 2.0 and 0.35%, respectively, or Avistol ASTM 260 and Agar 1000 (Sodium Alginate 1000) in an amount of 2.0 and 0.47%, respectively. To flavor the finished bio-product and obtain a coconut flavor, 20% coconut cream and coconut flavor were added. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that the resulting bioproduct has a consistency from liquid to jelly-like. The necessary concentrations of the introduced stabilizers have been determined.


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How to Cite

Bozhko С. Д. ., Ershova Т. А. ., Chernyshova А. Н. ., Boyarineva И. В. ., & Li Н. Г. . (2024). METHOD OF PRODUCTION OF FERMENTED SOY-BASED PRODUCT: PULSCR. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (3), 111–116.




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