


curd whey, dietary fiber, psyllium, conditional viscosity, organoleptic parameters, source of dietary fiber.


The urgency of whey processing initiates the creation of new products, for example, modified ones. Psyllium fibers, which have proven themselves positively in medical and biological terms, have been studied from the point of view of the technology of thickening curd whey. The criteria of the study were the indicators of conditional and effective viscosity, as well as the organoleptic characteristics of the samples. The addition of psyllium to distilled water and curd whey in the range from 2 to 4% led to a nonlinear increase in the conditional viscosity of the samples. At the same time, the conditional viscosity of serum-based systems increased less intensively than, other things being equal, in water. A great influence of the temperature factor on the process of structuring systems from curd whey and psyllium was revealed. The viscosity of the experimental samples of curd whey with different amounts of psyllium increased when heated, starting from the temperature (50-60) oС, which was noticeable when stirring. Pasteurization of these samples at 80 °C for a period of 20 followed by cooling and thermostating at a temperature of (4 ± 2 °C) for two hours led to gelation of the systems. According to the results of the organoleptic evaluation, the best indicators were characterized by samples of curd whey with a mass dose of 3.5% psyllium. The amount of psyllium added to the serum from 2 to 4% in the finished product will correspond to the concept of "source of dietary fiber". Despite the fact that the patterns obtained under experimental conditions are valid mainly in relation to psyllium and curd whey, they are of practical interest in the technology of processing other types of whey.


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How to Cite

Gabrielyan Д. С., & Novokshanova А. Л. . . (2023). THE USE OF PSYLLIUM FOR THICKENING CURD WHEY. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (4), 38–44.

