isoprene rubber, carbon black, specific surface area, aggressiveness, wear resistance, elastomer, glass transition temperature, coefficient of linear-temperature expansion.Abstract
The paper deals with the effects of the technical carbons specific surface on the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of isoprene rubber SKI-3. It was found that the specific surface increase results in higher strength as well as lower wear resistance and deformational compression set. The physical and mechanical properties of the isoprene rubber SKI-3 were proved to be quite sensitive to temperature and hydrocarbon environment. The glass transition temperature of elastomers was determined by the DSC-Phoenix differential scanning calorimeter. The linear and thermal expansion coefficient was calculated by the Shimadzu TMA-60 / 60H thermal and mechanical analyzer at the temperature range from minus 80 оС to plus 90 оС. The results showed the decrease in frost-resistant properties, increase in the glass transition temperature of elastomers and decrease in linear size change with the carbon black specific surface increase. To study the microstructure of elastomers, the JEOL JSM-7800F scanning electron microscope was used. Due to the carbon black specific surface increase a more intensive interaction with rubber macromolecules was observed, which explains the greater strength properties of the elastomers. The study of samples by electron microscopy subjected to abrasive wear showed that a sample with a larger specific surface of carbon black is covered with deep “furrows” up to 200 mcm, which explains the lower wear resistance.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Igor S. Makarov, Afanasii A. Dyakonov, Nataliia N. Petrova, Aitalina A. Okhlopkova, Nadezhda N. Lazareva, Anatolii K. Kychkin, Aisen A. Kychkin, Aleksei G. Tuisov, Pavel V. Vinokurov, Natalya P. Gladkina
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