


europium gallate, perovskite structure, synthesis, coprecipitation, luminescence


Mixtures of hydrated oxides Eu2O3∙nH2O and Ga2O3∙nH2O were isolated from solutions of europium and gallium nitrates by the method of co-shrinkage. By subsequent calcination at 800 oC for 24 hours, europium gallate was obtained. The identification of the product was carried out by X-ray phase analysis and IR spectroscopy. Its structure has been found to correspond to the structural type of EuGaO3 perovskite of orthorhombic symmetry (e.g. Pbnm, crystal lattice parameters: a = 0.5000 nm, b = 0.7565 nm, c = 0.5213 nm). A series of narrow bands characteristic of Eu3+ ions associated with 5D07Fj transitions of 4f-electrons was registered in the luminescence spectrum of EuGaO3. The stripes are inhomogeneously widened at the base with a weakly pronounced Stark structure. The most intense is the 5D07F2 doublet band of the electron transition with maxima located at wavelengths of 609 nm and 630 nm. The excitation of luminescence occurs as a result of the transfer of the energy of the phonon vibrational motion of the matrix to the excited levels of Eu3+ ions. A corresponding structured band was registered in the excitation spectrum at wavelengths < 350 nm. The short-wave part of the band is associated with the transition of 2p-electrons of O2- ions to the 4f-orbital of europium ions in an oxide environment.


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How to Cite

Novozhenov В. А. ., Smagin В. П. ., Roshkolaeva А. Б., Strucheva Н. Е. ., & Zatonskaya Л. В. . (2022). SYNTHESIS AND INVESTIGATION OF OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF EUROPIUM GALLATE PEROVSKITE STRUCTURE: EDN: KXWYQX. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (2), 122–128.

