fruit and berry raw materials, antioxidant activity, food systems, processing and storageAbstract
The article presents the results of a study of 10 varieties of promising and zoned gooseberries in the Sverdlovsk region. The values of antioxidant activity in varieties released in the Sverdlovsk region are in the range from 4.726 ± 0.014 to 17.945 ± 0.054 mmol/dm3 eq (the highest value for the variety "Moon Night", the lowest value for the variety "Berill"); in promising varieties - in the range from 6.370 ± 0.019 to 9.552 ± 0.029 mmol/dm3 eq (the highest value in the variety "I-7-21", the smallest "II-12-4").
At the same time, the content of flavonoids in gooseberries is in the range from 326.428 ± 0.979 to 919.584 ± 2.759 mg / 100 g of the edible part (the highest value in the variety "Severyanin", the lowest in the variety "Berill"), in varieties, district- ionized in the Sverdlovsk region; in promising varieties - in the range from 292.182 ± 0.877 to 489.488 ± 1.468 mg / 100 g of the edible part (the highest value for the variety "I-7-21", the smallest for the variety "II-12-4").
The content of phenolic substances in gooseberries ranges from 163.722 ± 0.491 to 621.666 ± 1.865 mg of gallic acid / 100 g of edible part (the highest value is in the Lunar Night variety, the lowest in the Beryl variety), in varieties zoned in Sverdlovsk areas; in promising varieties - in the range from 220.675 ± 0.662 to 330.908 ± 0.993 mg of gallic acid / 100 g of the edible part (the highest value for the variety "I-7-21", the smallest for the variety "II-12-4").
And also, the content of anthocyanins in gooseberries ranges from 129.821 ± 0.389 to 692.941 ± 2.079 mg of cyanidin-3-glycoside / 100 g of the edible part (the highest value is in the Lunar Night variety, the lowest in the Beryl variety), in varieties released in the Sverdlovsk region; in promising varieties - in the range from 174.981 ± 0.525 to 262.389 ± 0.787 mg of cyanidin-3-glycoside / 100 g of the edible part (the highest value for the variety "I-7-21", the smallest for the variety "II-12-4").
In addition, such consumer characteristics of berries as the content of total and reducing sugars, as well as acidity, were studied. The data obtained will make it possible to more correctly calculate the nutritional value of diets and reasonably choose one or another variety for dietary correction of the diet in order to increase the overall antioxidant activity.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Olga V. Chugunova, Anton V. Vyatkin, Aleksandr V. Arisov, Elena M. Chebotok

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