combi steamer, fancy products, baking modes, quality, individual approach.Abstract
Modernization of the technological park of catering equipment and conducting research on modes development and parameters of the technology of bakery products in the combi steamer, which is less used for the production of this group of food products considers in the work issue. Studies on the selection of rational modes and parameters for the production of fancy bread "Severnaya" were carried out on the basis of a comparative assessment of the organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of control and experimental samples, respectively obtained according to traditional technology - in an cabinet oven and experimental - in a combi steamer. It is shown that fermentation temperature and proofing at a temperature of 37°C of the combi steamer helps to reduce the fermentation time in manual mode compared to automatic mode by 10 minutes; at the same time, the ratio of steam / convection is – 50% / 50%, the blower speed is pulse-mode. The selection of the temperature for baking muffins in a combi oven by comparing the results of prototypes made it possible to establish rational modes: 100% convection is recommended at a temp of 160 °C, blower speed ½, baking time is thirteen minutes. The results showed that the quality of "Severnaya" is largely influenced by the ratio of steam / convection, the fan rotation mode in the combi steamer, the temperature and duration of baking. It is recommended to take into account the individual characteristics of the fancy bread to determine the baking time: the weight and shape of the product.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Nikolaj V. Gornikov, Larisa A. Mayurnikova, Anna I. Petkovich, Arkadi A. Koksharov, Sergej V.Novoselov
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