Abstract. During chemical, mass transfer or thermal processes in ideal displacement apparatuses, the concentrations of working substances (or temperatures) continuously change from inlet to outlet along the length (height) of the apparatus. In ideal mixing apparatuses, concentrations (or temperatures) are completely equalized throughout the apparatus, and at any point they are equal to the values of the corresponding values at the flow outlet. For both of these cases, the methods for calculating the speeds of processes and the sizes of the corresponding devices are well developed.
This idealized physical model corresponds to a mathematical model – an equation or a system of equations by means of which the type of the residence time distribution function is determined by calculation. Next, the type of the distribution function actually obtained experimentally (from the response criteria) is compared with the calculation result based on the selected ID model for different values of its parameter (or parameters). As a result of the comparison, it is established whether the selected model corresponds with a sufficient degree of accuracy to the real hydrodynamic structure of the flow in the apparatus of this type, i.e. whether the model is adequate to the object. Then the numerical values of the model parameters are found, at which the coincidence of the experimental and calculated distribution functions is the best. The specified values are subsequently applied when calculating the process in a particular device. Generalizing these data, equations are obtained for calculating the values of model parameters under different hydrodynamic operating conditions and sizes of devices of this type.
Currently, two models are most often used to describe the flow structure: cellular and diffusion.
Keywords: cell, mixing, models, perturbation method, flow structure, mass transfer, reactor, generating function, dispersion of matter, sludge washing.
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