


celiac disease, deprivation, rice flour, peanuts, gluten-free butter biscuits, quality indicators.


In recent years, the number of people, including children and adolescents, who are prohibited from eating cereal proteins (gluten) has been constantly increasing. At the same time, social deprivation takes place - the inability to provide children with “proper” nutrition in educational institutions due to the lack of gluten-free products or their inadequate cost. The purpose of the study is to develop recipes for butter biscuits with a peanut kernel based on rice flour to expand the market for domestic gluten-free flour confectionery products. Peanuts were introduced raw or roasted at a temperature of 150 - 160 °C after grinding to grains, as well as in a pasty state. Kernels were added in an amount of 5 % to 20 % by weight of the flour. The presence of peanuts in the recipe contributed to obtaining cookies with a pleasant "nutty" smell and taste. The introduction of peanuts led to some compaction of the structure of the products, however, their consumer characteristics and physical and chemical quality indicators remained at a high level. According to the results of the work, it was found that in the production of gluten-free rice cookies, peanuts can be introduced both raw and fried in crushed form in an amount not exceeding 15 % by weight of flour, and in a pasty form - no more than 10 % by weight of flour. Thus, the use of peanuts as a recipe component allows not only diversifying the assortment line of gluten-free products by improving taste and smell, but also enriching them with useful nutrients. Butter biscuits with peanuts can be recommended for a gluten-free diet.


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How to Cite

Kozubaeva Л. А., & Kuzmina С. С. . (2022). PEANUT COOKIES FOR GLUTEN-FREE NUTRITION: EDN: BHOFLT . Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (3), 58–64.




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