



cake, milk whey, ultrasound, cavitation, feed additive


From the full feeding of animals, in particular cattle (cattle), depends on its weight gain, productivity, health status, feed additives play an important role in this, They increase the nutritional value of the main diet, improve the digestibility of its main components. In the development of new feed additives, waste from the main industries, which are classified as secondary resources, is used as raw materials. These are husks, cakes, meal, bran, beer pellets, milk whey and other waste. They contain protein, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, fiber, vitamins. But often they are in the waste in an indigestible form and, consequently, their value decreases. It is possible to increase their digestibility by various physical and mechanical influences. At the same time, the main postulate in the justification of the technological process is the provision stated in the work of A. Y. Prosekov that all types of mechanical and other types of processing of raw materials associated with giving individual components the required dispersion or the necessary rheological properties do not violate the principle of superposition with respect to the initial ingredients, biologically important food substances. The article presents the results of a study of the effect of ultrasonic treatment of a mixture of sunflower cake and whey in the process of obtaining a feed additive for feeding farm animals, in particular cattle. Wave vibrations with frequencies of more than 20,000 vibrations per second (20 kHz) in the ultrasonic wavelength range have high mechanical energy, form cavitation in the medium through which they pass, and cause changes in physical, chemical and biological parameters in the objects to which they are directed. At the same time, large particles with dimensions of 1606 ... 2722.5 microns of pre-ground cake are reduced to 1453.6 ...123.8 microns, a gel-like suspension is formed containing protein, fat, fiber, sugars, vitamins necessary for the animal, in a form more accessible for assimilation. It was found that the protein content decreases in the suspension from 10.20% to 6.65% in the ratio of components, respectively, from 1:4 to 1:8. The optimal temperature of 60 ± 5 ° C, processing time of 20 minutes were determined. The essence of ultrasonic treatment lies in the fact that as a result of such an impact on coarse or concentrated feed, such as the sunflower cake, the walls of plant cells are destroyed, while the nutrients needed by the animal pass into a more accessible form. Under the influence of ultrasound, microbial inactivation occurs, this is especially noticeable with a larger amount of serum, since the cavitation [3] process is more intense in a liquid medium.


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How to Cite

Volonchuk С. К. . ., Nicievskaya К. Н. ., & Stankevich С. В. . . (2022). EFFECT OF ULTRASONIC EXPOSURE ON BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SUNFLOWER CAKE AND WHEY SUSPENSION: EDN: ONJHET. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (3), 88–94. https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2022.03.012




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