
  • Ludmila V. Anisimova Polzunov Altai State Тechnical University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7900-2935
  • Sergey V. Yakushev Agro-Projectstroy LLC
  • Andrey E. Zemerov Polzunov Altai State Тechnical University




grain, buckwheat, hydrothermal treatment, moistening, resting, drying, screw vacuum installation, laboratory huller, coefficient kernel integrity, grain husking coefficient, complete factor experiment.


The process of hydrothermal treatment (HT) of buckwheat, including two-stage grain moistening in a screw vacuum installation, resting after each stage of moistening and drying, has been studied. In the research, buckwheat grain of the 2021 harvest, grown in the Altai Territory, was used. The grain was husked on a laboratory huller. The first fraction of buckwheat that passed the HT was sent for husking. The husking products were sorted on a set of sieves (with a metal cloth sieve No. 08 and with holes of 1.7×20 mm), the husk was sifted on a laboratory aspirator. Based on the results of previously conducted single-factor experiments, a plan for a complete factor experiment of CFE 23 was developed and implemented. Taking into account the fact that in earlier studies, the values of some of the main factors of the HT process under study were selected, namely: grain moisture after the first moistening of 22 ± 0.2%; the duration of resting after the first moistening of 4 hours; residual air pressure in the installation during the first and second moistening of 0.05 MPa; duration of resting after the second moistening is 4 h, the remaining factors were selected as variable factors: grain moisture after the second moistening and drying process parameters - drying agent temperature and grain moisture after drying.

After the implementation of the complete factor experiment and the processing of experimental data, regression equations has been drawn up that adequately describe the buckwheat HT process for the kernel integrity and grain husking coefficients considered as the process yield. Based on the regression equation for the kernel integrity coefficient, an optimization program using the Box-Wilson procedure has been drawn up and implemented.

Taking into account the implementation of one-factor and multifactor experiments, the following optimal conditions of buckwheat HT with double moistening, resting and grain drying were obtained: grain humidity after the second moistening - 30±0,5 %; residual air pressure in the screw vacuum unit - 0.05 MPa; grain humidity after drying - 13.5-14.0%, drying agent temperature - 165-170 °C.


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How to Cite

Anisimova Л. В. ., Yakushev С. В. ., & Zemerov А. Е. . (2022). HYDROTHERMAL TREATMENT OF BUCKWHEAT WITH TWO-STAGE GRAIN MOISTENING IN A SCREW VACUUM INSTALLATION : EHGDSJ. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, 1(4), 33–38. https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2022.04.004