Study of the structure and microbiological indicators of fermented plant beverages.
plant beverages, microbial fermentation, microemulsion, microcellulose, dynamic viscosity, dispersion of the system, probiotic propertiesAbstract
The use of microemulsions (ME) stabilized with microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) in plant-based milk substitutes suggests a wide range of positive effects, including increasing nutritional value, improving the colloidal stability of the beverage. The purpose of this study was to study the structure and microbiological parameters of plant fermented beverages prepared on the basis of hemp seeds, stabilized by microemulsion. During microscopy of all beverage samples with microemulsion, a uniform distribution of cell walls particles and small droplets of fat with MCC fibers adsorbed on the surface is clearly visible. Numerous microcellulose fibers form a colloidal matrix on the surface of the water-oil phase interface, which prevents coalescence of oil droplets. When a stabilized microemulsion with MCC is introduced into the plant beverages, there is a significant increase in the viscosity of beverages compared to the control non-fermented sample, up to 3.89 mPa·s. Fermentation of the plant base caused a significant increase in the viscosity of drinks by 8.8-15.5% - for drinks without microemulsion; and by 28.8–60.1% – for drinks stabilized by ME.Non-fermented beverages have smaller particle diameters and distributions ranging from 0.97 to 6.5 μm (85–90% of particles). Moreover, for drinks stabilized by microemulsion, there was a decrease in the average hydrodynamic diameter of particles by almost 2 times, as well as the monodisperse nature of the system. As a result of fermentation, the number of live bifidobacteria and propionic acid bacteria in all beverage samples increased compared to the inoculated amount, and after 7 days of storage remained at a level characteristic for probiotic products. The results of the studies showed that the complex effect of the combined use of ultrasonic exposure, the potential of probiotic bacteria and the technological properties of the microcellulose in obtaining a plant fermented beverages made it possible to form a stable food system that retains its properties for 7 days of storage. The high content of live probiotic microorganisms in beverages makes it possible to recommend it for specialized nutrition.
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