
  • Gennady V. Alekseev National Research University ITMO
  • Savelyev Alexey P. National Research University ITMO
  • Syzrantsev Dmitry V. ITMO University
  • Ivleva Elena N. ITMO University



electrocontact heating, influence on melanoidin formation, bread baking, bimetallic materials, regulation of baked goods during baking.


Using the concept of ohmic heating, the possibilities of baking bread between parallel plates with different voltages applied to them are considered. This technology has not yet received wider distribution due to the lack of a mathematical model with reference to specific production conditions. Ohmic or contact heating offers an alternative to heating a material through internal heat generation. The article proposes its use for passing an alternating electric current through a body such as a food system in the form of a test piece of liquid particles. The need for such a statement of the problem is dictated for the production of a variety of food products by the currently used modes and technological equipment, which contain well-established stages of the technological process that contribute to the appearance of melanoidins. It is these transformations of the initial components that give food products a rich color, and are also often responsible for the formed taste and aroma. Such effects are also observed in cases of using food additives obtained independently and added to products at the stage of readiness as natural dyes and flavor enhancers. Modern studies also testify to such properties of melanoidins, which allow them to be used as antioxidants or antimicrobial, immunomodulatory substances, as well as their ability to remove radionuclides. Specialists studying the listed properties of melanoidins believe that it is due to their internal structure, which contains a system of double bonds in heterocyclic and quinoid units. In this paper, we propose the design of an electric contact baking chamber that allows you to automatically control and regulate the conditions of the thermal regime of baking and, therefore, preserve the useful properties of the formed melanoidins. The model of operation of such automatic regulators based on bimetallic plates is considered. The calculated ratios and graphs for the practical choice of the most important geometric dimensions for the active and passive layers made of materials with linear expansion coefficients α1 =18.0×10-6 m/(mоС) and α2 = 10.0×10-6 m/ (m oC).

Key words: electrocontact heating, influence on melanoidin formation, bread baking, bimetallic materials, regulation of baked goods during baking.


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How to Cite

Alekseev Г. В., Alexey P. . С. ., Dmitry V. С. ., & Elena N. . И. . (2023). REGULATION OF MODES OF ELECTROCONTACT BAKING TO COMPENSATE THE DOUGH BLANKS: TWZODM. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (2), 31–36.




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