


In the world, about 80% of food products are made from plant raw materials. Preliminary topic studies on the production and use of proteins of plant origin in Russia make it possible to suggest chickpeas as the most promising leguminous crop. The absence of genetic modifications is an additional advantage of it.

The protein content in chickpea seeds varies from 20,1 to 32,4 g/100 g and is represented mainly by globulins (60-90%) and albumins (10-20%). Due to its high protein content, chickpeas can replace meat, while reducing the fat content of the finished product. In this regard, chickpeas are actively used in the preparation of vegetarian dishes.

The main advantage of chickpeas compared to the most commonly used Fabales crop, soybean, is the lower content of anti-nutritive factors (protease inhibitors and lectins).

When assessing the effectiveness of methods for obtaining protein from chickpeas, acid, salt, alkaline hydrolysis, enzymatic treatment, as well as the use of electro-floatation and electrocoagulation were compared. The above technologies have a high protein isolation efficiency of 70 to 95%.

Analysis of domestic and foreign studies allows us to conclude that the most promising techno­logy for isolating chickpea protein and further improvementis enzymatic hydrolysis. Due to the speci­fics of plant raw materials from different varieties and regions, it is necessary to conduct additional research, including using domestic enzyme preparations, in order to clarify the technological parameters of production, mass fraction, amino acid composition and functional and technological properties of the obtained chickpea proteins.


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How to Cite

Apyantseva Ю. В., Borisova И. И., & Baranenko Д. А. . (2024). REVIEWOF CHICKPEA ISOLATION TECHNOLOGIES: GJWIVA. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (2), 27–36.




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