anthocyanins, dye, Solarium tuberosum L., sweet food ices, organoleptic indicators, physicochemical indicators, microbiological indicators, storageAbstract
Anthocyanins are a group of compounds most often used as natural food colorings. Sweet food ices are a healthy alternative to ice cream. The purpose of the work is to conduct research to determine the possibility of using anthocyanin dye from Solarium tuberosum L. in the production of sweet food ice. The main ingredients of ice recipes: berries of Vaccinium vitis-idaea L., natural honey, stabilizer (xanthanthan gum), dye from Solarium tuberosum L., drinking water. Research methods (organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological) are standard. It was found that the amount of ingredients used in the recipe influenced the appearance, color, consistency, structure, smell, taste, content of total solids, sugars, anthocyanins, and acidity. Ice containing a dye in an amount of 0,1% by weight of the raw material received the highest organoleptic rating - a significant (p<0,05) positive correlation was found between anthocyanins and color (average), consistency, structure (insignificant). Storing products at a temperature of minus 20±2 °C for 18 months in polypropylene film weighing 50 g led to a deterioration in smell, structure, consistency and taste (safety on average 58,8%), appearance and color (loss on average 28, 7%), a slight increase in total dry matter (on average 1,01 times), a decrease in sugars (1,02 times), acidity (1,02 times) and anthocyanins (1,39 times). Microbiological safety and temperature in the center of the product during storage remained within the regulated parameters. Thus, the results of this study expand the existing knowledge about the possibilities of using anthocyanin dyes from Solarium tuberosum L. in the creation of frozen desserts and can be used in the creation of new products that meet the requirements of healthy nutrition.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Olga V. Golub, Alexander M. Zakharenko, Oleg K. Motovilov, Galina P. Chekryga
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