The range of gluten-free products is quite extensive and includes a variety of flour confectionery (cookies, muffins, waffles), culinary dishes, as well as bakery products. The raw materials for gluten-free bakery products lack a basic component (gluten proteins) and, as a result, the consumer properties of such products do not always satisfy customers. In addition, such products have a reduced nutritional value and a relatively high cost. The work studied the structure-modeling capabilities of melange and psyllium in the production of breadsticks from rice flour. Melange was added in an amount from 5% to 25% by weight of flour, while a decrease in density and an increase in stickiness of the dough were noted with an increase in dosage of more than 15%. The quality indicators of breadsticks have been studied. The taste and smell did not change, the best fragility occurred in sticks with 15% melange. The moisture content of the products and the mass fraction of fat naturally increased with increasing dosage of melange, the acidity and mass fraction of sugar varied within the measurement error. Thus, the recommended dosage of melange in the recipe of breadsticks is up to 15% by weight of flour.
The moisture-retaining and gel-forming properties of psyllium, which contains dietary fiber, allow it to be used as an analogue of gluten. Psyllium was added to the dough in an amount of up to 5% (with an interval of 1%) instead of rice flour in the form of a hydrocolloid. The psyllium content in the dough of 3% led to the production of an elastic-elastic dough that is easily molded. Products made from such dough turned out to be fragile, easily broken, with a loosened structure. The organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of the breadsticks were not inferior to the control sample
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