
  • Elena Yu. Egorova Polzunov Altai State Тechnical University
  • Alexander E. Gryaznov Polzunov Altai State Тechnical University



The article is devoted to the development of the original formulation of bitter tincture. Raw materials rich in substances that help to activate appetite and release digestive enzymes were used: anise seeds, barberry fruits and peppermint grass. Lime honey was used as a sweetening component. The main components of the bitter tincture - infusions of anise, barberry and mint - are prepared by maceration (25±2 °C). The extractant is a 40% solution of drinking ethyl alcohol, an extraction hydromodule of 1:10, the rational duration of keeping vegetable raw materials in contact with an aqueous alcohol mixture is 5 days.

The study of the physico-chemical parameters of infusions-extracts of vegetable raw materials and blends of bitter tinctures prepared on their basis was carried out in accordance with industry methods. It has been established that for the production of bitter tinctures on selected raw materials, it is more expedient to obtain monoextracts. The color of the infusions obtained indicates the effective extraction of polyphenolic compounds. Mint infusions (2.5-2.6% on 4-5 days of extraction) and barberry (2.7-2.8% on 4-5 days of extraction) were the leaders in terms of the effectiveness of tannin extraction. Barberry infusions (3.5-4.2 mg/100 g of extract) were the leaders in terms of the effectiveness of flavonoid extraction. The composition of the extractive substances of anise infusion (16-16.2 % on 4-5 days of extraction) was dominated by essential oil.

The prepared versions of bitter tincture blends exceed the norm in terms of the total extract content, which is due to the proportion of extracts in the blends and can be specified by the beverage manufacturer in the NTD. The final formulation of the bitter tincture is designed for a strength of 40% vol. The drink has a golden brick color, a smoothed aroma profile and a harmonious sweet and sour taste with spicy and fresh notes provided by a combination of vegetable raw materials and lime honey. The recommended daily intake of tincture (20 cm3) provides more than two daily norms of tannins and 1.5% of the daily norm of flavonoids, which, combined with the content of organic acids, indicates the achieved goal - the physiological functionality of the new drink.


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How to Cite

Egorova Е. Ю. ., & Gryaznov А. Е. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF A BITTER TINCTURE FORMULATION: TTGQXR. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (4), 79–85.




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