


Key words: study, essential oils, distillation, patent, equipment, Juniperus communis, Juniperus sibirica, Juniperus sabina, refractive index, relative density.


. For the production of essential oils in Russia there is a large list of essential oil raw materials that can be used for the industrial production of essential oils. Essential oils are used in medicine, cosmetology and food industry. Many types of oils are used as flavorings and food additives. The high cost of imported raw materials and the conditions of sanctions force us to look for sources of essential oils inside the country. Juniper is the second most diverse among conifers. Juniperus herbs are used extensively in medicine due to the abundance of specialized metabolites such as coumarins, flavonoids, lignans, sterols and terpenoids that make Juniperus plants of pharmaceutical value. The production of Juniperus essential oil using distillation technology at high temperatures (distillation, steam distillation, etc.) leads to the loss of some volatiles and decomposition of unsaturated or ester compounds through thermal or hydrolytic effects The aim of the study was to improve the production technology of essential oil from Juniperus herbs and fruits, using new technological equipment The object of the study was Juniperus herbs (Juniperus communis, Juniperus sibirica, Juniperus sabina) harvested in Bratsk district of Irkutsk region in September 2021. The results of this research showed that the production of essential  oil from Juniperus plants is a complex technological process because of the complexity of the structural destruction of the cells with the existing technology and is time-consuming. Development of new technology and equipment have provided an increase in productivity of the device and reduction of duration of technological processing of raw materials of one load is reached due to intensification of process of steam processing of essential oil raw materials by water steam which, passing through the crushed raw materials, mixes with essential oil particles, taking them behind in the refrigerator and further to Florentina where separation of condensate on oil-raw and Florentine water takes place.


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How to Cite

Matskevich И. В. . ., Nevzorov В. Н. ., & Koch Ж. А. . (2022). IMPROVEMENT OF JUNIPER ESSENTIAL OIL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY: EDN: XZTJBU. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (3), 186–193.

