



technology, flour, grinding products, disintegrator, granulometric composition, ash content, whiteness, degree of destruction of starch granules, flour yield.


Improving the efficiency of wheat flour production, especially of the highest grade, is one of the most important and urgent tasks facing the milling industry and involving an increase in the yield of the finished product and the possibility of managing its quality. The authors of the article investigated the conditions for the introduction of a disintegrator into the technological process of wheat flour production. The objects of research – products from the 1, 3 and 5 grinding systems – were passed through a laboratory disintegrator once and twice, followed by sieving. According to the results of studies of the fineness of grinding products, it was found that the use of a disintegrator in different grinding systems makes it possible to change the fractional composition of flour in accordance with its purpose. Analysis of the degree of destruction of starch granules in grinding products confirmed that intensive short-term exposure of the grinding organs of the disintegrator does not lead to significant destruction of starch granules. It is proved that when producing wheat flour of the highest grade, it is most expedient to install a disintegrator on the 1st grinding system: according to the whiteness, size and ash content of the grinding products on the disintegrator, their compliance with the requirements for wheat flour of the highest grade is confirmed. The use of a disintegrator on 1 grinding system also contributes to an increase in the yield of high–grade flour by 1.4-2.8 %, compared with the yield of flour of this grade obtained under production conditions on a roller machine. Thus, the use of a disintegrator in flour milling allows not only to adjust the technological process in a timely manner, increasing the efficiency of production as a whole, but also to obtain wheat flour of the highest grade with a higher yield.


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How to Cite

Kuzmina С. С. ., Kozubaeva Л. А. ., & Egorova Е. Ю. . (2022). EFFICIENCY OF USE OF THE DISINTEGRATOR IN FLOUR PRODUCTION: EDN: HIXDSS. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (3), 43–49. https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2022.03.006




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