grain processing products, quality control, oilseed flour, technological properties, granulometric composi-tion, sieve analysis, image analysis, program «Granulometry».Abstract
Computer image processing is used in various industries and activities, which is due to the versatility and expressiveness of such techniques. In the grain processing industry, computer image analysis is implemented in determining the vitreousness of wheat grain and the granulometric composition of wheat flour. Oilseed flour is characterized by the complexity of sieving, and therefore the purpose of the work was to assess the applicability of co-computer image processing for the analysis of the granulometric composition of oilseed flour. The analysis of the granulometric composition of 8 types of oilseed flour was carried out by the standard method of sieve analysis and in the program "Granulometry" developed at the Department Grain Storage and Processing Technology AltSTU. By the method of sieve analysis, it was found that from the studied list of names of oilseed flour, nut flour differs in the largest particles. Up to 40%, and for sesame and flax flour – more than 60% of the sample is represented by particles with linear dimensions in the range of 400...550 microns. Despite the presence of differences in the fractional composition of different types of oilseed flour, the average size of flour particles varies within fairly narrow limits: from 316 to 422 microns, with the largest average particle size in sesame and flax flour. The average particle diameter calculated according to the analysis data in the "Granulometry" program is also the largest for sesame seed flour. In general, the largest particle sizes according to the results of the analysis in the "Granulometry" program are samples of oilseed flour obtained without separating the seed shells. The results of the study allow us to consider the "Granulometry" program as a promising express method of production control of the size and uniformity of particles in batches of oilseed flour, including for deciding on the choice of sieve sizes in order to give the finished product greater uniformity in granulometric composition
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