
  • Tatiana V. Pershakova Krasnodar Research Institute of Agricultural Products Storage and Processing” – branch of FSBSI “North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viniculture, Winemaking https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8528-0966
  • Grigoriy A. Kupin Krasnodar Research Institute of Agricultural Products Storage and Processing” – branch of FSBSI “North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viniculture, Winemaking https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7780-3333
  • Tatiana V. Yakovleva Krasnodar Research Institute of Agricultural Products Storage and Processing” – branch of FSBSI “North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viniculture, Winemaking https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8411-8422
  • Vladimir N. Aleshin Krasnodar Research Institute of Agricultural Products Storage and Processing” – branch of FSBSI “North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viniculture, Winemaking” https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2956-3857




pears, Devo, BereGardy, Vitaplan, electromagnetic fields, extremely low frequencies, ultraviolet radia-tion, losses, vitamins, organoleptic indicators


Pears are a well-known and widespread type of fruit, but losses during storage can reach from 20 to 60% of the harvested crop. This makes it relevant to conduct research aimed at improving the efficiency of their storage methods. In the course of the study, the effects of treatments with the biological pesticide Vitaplan, electromagnetic fields of extremely low frequencies and ultraviolet radiation on the quality, loss and change in the chemical composition of pears varieties Devo and BereGardy during storage were studied. Evaluation of the organoleptic indicators of pears treated in various ways in the categories "Taste", "Smell", "State of the pulp", "Flesh browning" and "Wilting" showed the possibility of using these types of treatment to maintain quality. So, when storing pears at a temperature of 5±1 °C for 75 days, the average total score of the treated samples was 0.9-3.0% higher than that of the control samples. When storing pears at a temperature of 25±1 °C (provocative conditions) for 14 days, the average total score of the treated samples was 0.8-7.6% higher than that of the control samples. Along with that, in most cases, the treatment with the biological pesticide Vitaplan was the most effective. The value of the total losses in the treated samples of pears after storage compared with the control was lower by 0.2-8.3%, depending on the variety and storage parameters. The assessment of the chemical composition of the objects of study showed that the chosen types of treatment also make it possible to reduce the loss of biologically active substances. In particular, the loss of vitamin C was lower by 1.4-8.5%, vitamin P – by 1.2-7.4%. The data obtained can be used to improve existing methods for storing pears.


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How to Cite

Pershakova Т. В. . ., Kupin Г. А. ., Yakovleva Т. В., & Aleshin В. Н. . (2023). EFFECT OF BIOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL TREATMENT ON QUALITY AND LOSS OF PEARS DURING STORAGE: RXBOSJ. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (3), 83–91. https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2023.03.011

