


pollen, enriched products, physiologically functional ingredient, process parameters, fermentation dura-tion, proofing, dough acidity, bread quality, recipe, daily requirement


The aim of the work was to design the recipe and technology of bakery products using apiproducts (flower pollen-obnozhki). Standard and generally accepted methods were used in the work. Pollen is a unique source of biologically active substances, it includes protein substances, essential amino acids, enzymes, phytohormones, dietary fiber, flavonoid compounds, vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, beta-carotene in significant quantities. Of the mineral elements, the content of magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium, copper is high. To substantiate the use of pollen in the technology of bakery products, the course of the technological process, organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of the quality of bread were studied. It was found that the addition of pollen-obnozhki leads to the acceleration of the maturation process of the dough due to the presence of a significant amount of sugars, vitamins and mineral elements in the composition of pollen-obnozhki, which causes the need to reduce the duration of fermentation of the dough by 30-40 minutes and proofing the dough pieces for 5-15 minutes. The positive effect of pollen on the physico-chemical parameters on the appearance, the color of the crust, the condition of the crumb, the taste and smell of products has been proven. The consumption of bread with the addition of 8 % pollen, prepared according to the developed recipe and technology, covers 18 % of the daily requirement for dietary fiber, more than 20 % of the daily requirement of vitamin B1, more than 50 % of the daily requirement of vitamin E, more than 40 % of the daily requirement of beta-carotene and flavonoid compounds


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How to Cite

Koneva С. И. ., Zakharova А. С. ., & Meleshkina Л. Е. . (2023). DESIGN THE RECIPE AND TECHNOLOGY OF BAKERY PRODUCTS USING APIPRODUCTS : GIGAZX. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (3), 123–128.




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