микропартикулят сывороточного белка, вязкость, твердость, дисперсность структурных элементов.Abstract
The production offoods with the increased content of protein is necessary for compensation of its deficiency in food ratio. By-products of processing of whey and skimmed milk in the form of concentrates are the important sources of proteins. Study of quality indicators of ice cream with a low content of fat and dry milk solids nonfat with the additional introduction of proteins with microparticulate of whey proteins was the purpose of research. It has been established that by the increasing of protein content by 1.2 times due to whey protein microparticulate in ice cream with a low content of dry milk solids nonfat (3%) and a mass fraction of fat (1%) the technologically significant quality indicators of the product with a fat content (4 %) are being achieved. However according the indicator “conditional hardness” (10 H) such an ice cream was inferior to a control one. With increasing of protein content in the ice cream by 1.8 times to the level of 6% the value of conditional hardness was 5.8 H and had no significant differences with the control sample. The titratable acidity in the sample with the highest content of protein (6%) reached the level of a traditional product; the dynamic viscosity was more by 1.5 times, the dispersion of ice crystals was improved. But at the same time the biggest air bubbles with the average size of 41 µm were forming, in the control of - 35 µm. According the results of the organoleptic assessment of the samples, a positive influence of the increased content of whey protein particulates on the consistency of ice cream was established. The necessity of usage of food additives for leveling the influence of a low content of milk solids nonfat in a product has been established Taking into account the technologically significant quality indicators, the ice cream with a low content of milk solids nonfat with additional introduction of whey protein particulates can be produced at acting ice cream factories for the expanding of functional foods assortment.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Anna V. Landikhovskaya, Antonina A. Tvorogova, Svetlana E. Kochneva

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