



raw gingerbread, crumb hydrophilicity, moisture absorption, moisture-retaining agents, shelf life.


The expediency of using food additives containing moisture-retaining agents to preserve the consumer advantages of raw gingerbread and prolong their shelf life is shown. It was found that the mass fraction of moisture during storage decreased in all samples, however, the rate of decrease in the mass fraction of moisture in the sample without the introduction of moisture-retaining additives was significantly higher and decreased by 20.3% on the 60th day of storage, while the introduction of moisture-retaining additives reduced the decrease in the mass fraction of moisture to 5.9-9.4 %. The analysis of the consumer advantages of gingerbread after 30 days of storage did not reveal a deterioration in organoleptic indicators, but after 40 days of storage, the consumer characteristics of the control sample significantly decreased, the gingerbread became dry and hard. At the end of the gingerbread shelf life, the hydrophilic properties of the crumb of the control sample decreased by 24.0 %, while the samples with the addition of the improver "Panifresh", improver "Surprise Plus", complex food additive TK-12 and glycerin decreased by 8.8 %, 9.4 %, 6.0 % and 7.8 %, respectively. It has been established that the use of moisture-retaining agents in the formulation of raw gingerbread, which actively bind free moisture, slows down the process of starch retrogradation, increases the hydrophilic properties of the gingerbread crumb, preserves the soft consistency of products during storage, which allows to increase their shelf life without loss of consumer goods.


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How to Cite

Koneva С. И. . (2022). EFFECT OF MOISTURE-RETAINING AGENTS ON CONSUMER PROPERTIES AND SHELF LIFE OF GINGERBREAD : EDN: DTVETU. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (2), 51–56. https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2022.02.007

