jerusalem artichoke, eco-snacks, blanching, citric acid solution, whey, peroxidase, technological regimeAbstract
One of the problems that needs to be solved during the processing of Jerusalem artichoke is the change in sensory characteristics, including the darkening of semi-finished products and the formation of coffee flavor during heat treatment. These undesirable changes are associated with the oxidation of polyphenols and the formation of compounds with a dark color. Blanching is used to inactivate enzymes, change the structure of raw materials, and reduce microbiological contamination. The authors investigated the effect of blanching duration and temperature in liquid media on the physico-chemical parameters of jerusalem artichoke semi-finished products, as well as on the inactivation of the peroxidase enzyme. Blanching was carried out: in water (solution No. 0), in a solution of 2 % citric acid (solution No. 1) and in whey (solution No. 2) at a temperature of 65 ° C, 80 ° C and 95 ° C for 3 to 9 minutes. The activity of peroxidase was evaluated by colorimetric method, the hardness of semi-finished products - on the device "Structurometer-ST1". The model specification was carried out in the Statistica program using bicubic spline interpolation. Regression equations of the dependence of the content of peroxidase and hardness of jerusalem artichoke semi-finished products on the temperature and duration of blanching in various media are obtained. The conducted studies substantiate the expediency of blanching semi-finished jerusalem artichoke products in whey to obtain eco-snacks. The optimal mode of blanching in milk whey has been established: temperature 80 ° C, duration from 6 to 9 minutes. At the same time, the activity of peroxidase decreases by 87.0 % from the initial value, the neutral taste and smell, the color of the product are preserved − from milky white to cream
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Copyright (c) 2022 Natalia T. Shamkova, Olga V. Rudenko, Maya Yu. Tamova, Albina A. Varivoda, Tatiana V. Yakovleva

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