fermentation activators, solubility, biochemical composition, active acidity, soluble protein, amine nitro-gen, phosphorus, fruit distillates, volatile components, organoleptic characteristicsAbstract
The issues of improving the quality of fruit distillates and fruit brandy are anperspective area of research. To solve the existing quality problems, various technological techniques are offered, one of which is the use of fermentation activators. The purpose of this work was to study the effect of fermentation activators on the yield of distillate from fermented Cornelian cherries pulp and its qualitative characteristics. As objects of research, samples of aqueous extracts from five fermentation activators of various compositions were used, as well as control and experimental samples of distillates obtained from different batches of Cornelian cherries without the use and with the use of test activators. The effect of active acidity on the solubility of individual components of fermentation activators has been studied. It is shown that acidification to a pH of 3.2-3.5 leads to an increase in the solubility of protein by 10-19%, amine nitrogen by 4-13%, phosphorus by 24-33%, compared to a neutral medium. It is shown that the distillate yield in terms of anhydrous alcohol depends on the physical and chemical composition of the fermentation activator used. The composition of volatile components was investigated and the organoleptic properties of control and experimental samples of distillates were determined. Using correlation analysis, markers were selected to assess the effect of the composition of fermentation activators on the quality of Cornelian cherries distillate. A high degree of dependence of the mass concentrations of acetaldehyde and methanol, as well as the value of the ratio "sum of enantium esters/sum of esters" on the concentration of soluble forms of protein and phosphorus in the fermentation activator was established.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Elena V. Dubinina, Ludmila N. Krikunova
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