peptide hydrolyzate, wheat bread, peptide influence on quality characteristics, microbiological parameters, infection resistance, shelf life.Abstract
The development and implementation of innovative technologies in practice, the assessment of the impact of new biologically active substances in the form of biopeptides on the quality of food is an important area of research. A separate area of research is associated with the use of peptides as natural preservatives, since food spoilage and contamination, often associated with microorganisms, especially bacteria and fungi, lead to food wastage and serious foodborne illness. Peptides have high biological activity, are characterized by antimicrobial, bactericidal, antiviral properties in nanoconcentrations, which determined their promising use in food technology. The aim of the work was to substantiate the use of dietary supplements (enzymatic hydrolyzate of broiler chicken bursa fabricium) in wheat bread production technology to increase the shelf life and improve the quality characteristics of bread. The objects of the study were model samples of wheat bread from premium flour with the addition of dietary supplements. As research methods, methods of analysis, systematization, generalization of information data from search domestic and international systems over the past five years, standard and industry methods for monitoring raw materials and bakery products were used. It has been established that the value of bread baking significantly decreases with an increase in the dosage of dietary supplements, the moisture content of the bread crumb increases slightly (by 4%), which confirms the data on the hydrophilicity of the introduced peptides, the acidity of bread increases with an increase in the dosage of the hydrolyzate. The porosity of the crumb and the specific volume of bread with an increase in the dosage of the hydrolyzate increased by 7% and 31%, respectively. An assessment of safety indicators revealed that bread with a 50% replacement of salt solution with dietary supplements retained its original properties for 120 hours, bread with a complete replacement - 168 hours, control - 72 hours. The recommended shelf life of bread with a complete replacement of the salt solution of dietary supplements is 144 hours (6 days). The exclusion of salt from the recipe when adding 100% dietary supplements makes it possible to attribute the developed bread to achloride bread, i.e. specialized bread. The results of the research suggest that enzymatic bursal protein hydrolysates containing antimicrobial peptides are promising alternatives for use as natural preservatives, but more research is also needed to confirm the findings and evaluate other indicators of bread quality and non-allergenicity
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