gluten-free products, butter cookies, quality, rice flour, corn flour, shortbread dough, rheology, Structurometer, water-holding capacityAbstract
The solution of import substitution problems in the food industry is primarily related to the development and production of specialized products – glucose-free, lactose-free, gluten-free and others. Cookies, as one of the most popular and competitive assortment positions in the structure of flour confectionery products, are among the most promising in terms of the possibilities of modifying the recipe and technology, for example, for the production of gluten-free products. However, the absence of gluten-free proteins in gluten-free flour, which provide elastic-plastic properties of wheat dough, sets technologists the task of studying and predicting the rheological behavior of the dough depending on certain technological parameters. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the moisture content of gluten-free dough, capable of providing the necessary rheological properties of the dough for butter cookies. The objects of research in the work were samples of dough prepared according to a modified recipe of sweet shortbread cookies, with the replacement of wheat flour with rice or corn flour, in the mode of varying the moisture content of the dough. The analysis of the structural and mechanical properties of the test was carried out using the information and measuring system of the device "Structurometer ST-2", according to general, plastic and elastic deformation. The analysis of these structural diagrams shows that an increase in the proportion of moisture in the rice flour dough from up to 19.1% provides plasticity comparable to the plasticity of the dough from wheat flour of the highest grade with a standard humidity of 18% (plasticity 0.95). Corn flour dough, when the humidity is brought to 20%, becomes comparable in plastiness with wheat flour dough with a humidity of 19 % (0.98). Taking into account experimental data, when preparing gluten-free dough for the production of butter cookies using rice flour,it is possible to recommend kneading dough with a moisture content of 19%, for corn flour – 20 %.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Svetlana S. Kuzmina, Ludmila A. Kozubaeva, Elena Yu. Egorova
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