synbiotic, complex nutritional supplement, prebiotic, probiotic, dysbacteriosis, confectioneryAbstract
Natural bioactive compounds and living microorganisms are promising sources for the design of food products with beneficial properties for human health. The main problem of the widespread use of these components is their degradation during heat treatment and storage. The solution to the problem can be found in the process of microencapsulation of biologically active substances in order to preserve and stabilize functional compounds, as well as the ability of the outer shell to release them into the necessary sections of the gastrointestinal tract.
The relevance of research is due to the design of a synbiotic consisting of the callus mass of Arctic phyto-raw materials containing a significant amount of polyphenolic compounds, obtained by cultivating leaf producers in sterile laboratory conditions, as well as probiotic microorganisms produced by industry. It has been established that the content of glycosides in the callus tissue is lower than in the plant, the content of benzoic acid is also reduced. However, there is an increase in the content of flavonoids from 12.6% to 16.5% in the callus mass. According to the results of the research, it was found that the largest volumes of biomass growth were detected after 35 days. The complex compound contained a significant amount of fiber up to 18.2 mg/100, polyphenolic compounds up to 515.5 mg/10. The resulting product was a light brown powder with a moisture content of 5.8-7.0%, sent for the microencapsulation process as a core.
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