dry breakfasts, muesli bars, recipe, technical parameters, evaluation of quality indicators, regulated indicatorsAbstract
Healthy nutrition is now considered as a mandatory criterion that ensures the prevention and protection of the human body from non-communicable diseases and health disorders. The purpose of the work was to substantiate the composition and technological parameters of the preparation of muesli bars with added nutritional value. When choosing raw materials for the muesli bar, they were based on the nutritional value, including the biological value of the raw materials, the taste compatibility of the ingredients, and the absence of such a recipe in the existing assortment of muesli on the consumer market. The characteristic of the nutritional value of prescription ingredients is given, their biological potential is shown. As a result of experimental studies, the recipe composition of the muesli bar was substantiated. The binding component is honey, which determines the distinctive feature of the product; gout and hemp seeds were chosen as new ingredients that were not previously used in muesli bars. Taking into account the properties of the raw materials, the technological parameters for the preparation of the muesli bar were selected, and the organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics were evaluated. The nutritional value of the developed product and its functional orientation are determined. In the developed product, the content of dietary fiber is more than 6 g per 100 g of the product, the iron content is more than 30 % of the average daily intake, as a result, the product can be positioned as a product with a high content of dietary fiber and iron. The content of magnesium and phosphorus is more than 15 % of the average daily requirement for these minerals, which characterizes the product as a source of these mineral elements.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Irina Yu. Reznichenko, Tatyana A. Miroshina
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