multicomponent mixtures, bee parchment, cranberry powder, biologically active substances, biscuits, qualitative characteristics, protein-proteinase complex, acidity, enrichment.Abstract
The results of studies of the effect of crushed bee parchment and cranberry powder as a source of biologically active substances on the qualitative characteristics of multicomponent mixtures for biscuits are presented. The organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics of multicomponent mixtures have been studied, taking into account the organoleptic evaluation of finished products, the compositions of multicomponent mixtures have been designed.
An increase in the acidity of 0.5 – 1.5 degrees of mixtures with the addition of perga and a sharp increase in the acidity of mixtures when applying cranberry powder were found. Exceeding the dosage of cranberry powder by more than 6% is impractical, as it can lead to defects in dough preparation and give the finished biscuits a sour taste. It has been shown that in samples of mixtures with the addition of 2-6% perga, a decrease in water absorption capacity (VPS) is noted. When applying cranberry powder in dosages of 2 and 4%, an increase in water absorption capacity was noted, obviously due to the content of dietary fibers and pectins. The combined application of parchment and cranberry powder did not affect the UPC of the mixture, leaving it at the level of the control flour sample.
The strengthening effect of crushed parchment and cranberry powder on the gluten complex of multicomponent mixtures with a simultaneous decrease in the amount of washed gluten has been experimentally proven. It is concluded that it is impossible to wash gluten in a standard way at dosages of cranberry powder of more than 2%. Multicomponent mixtures are the most effective № 2, № 3, № 5, № 6, № 8 and No. 9.
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