Milk-converting enzyme preparations play an important role in cheese production. The first important function of the MFP is direct participation in one of the most important technological operations - milk coagulation. The duration of coagulation and the structural and mechanical properties of the cheese clot are critically important indicators on which the moisture content in cheese, the active acidity of cheese, the dynamics of salt penetration into the cheese mass, cheese yield, structure, consistency, pattern and other indicators characterizing the quality of cheese depend. It should be taken into account that the manufacturer sets the milk-clotting activity (MA) and calculates the dosage of the enzyme using a standardized milk substrate. At an individual cheese-making enterprise, the characteristics of the milk mixture may vary and not coincide with its indicators. As a result, the consumption of the introduced MFP may differ from the values recommended by the manufacturer of the milk coagulant. The introduction of an excessive dose of a milk-converting enzyme can negatively affect the yield and quality of the cheese produced due to excessive proteolysis. In this regard, the assessment of milk-clotting activity is of great importance. The temperature optimum is one of their common biochemical characteristics of MF, which allows us to evaluate the MA of the drug at the main technological stages of cheese production.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Anastasia V. Grishkova, Yulia G. Sturova, Alexander N. Belov, Anatoly D. Koval

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