



vegetable oils, quality, nutrient composition, fatty acids, competitiveness.


Currently, the range of vegetable oils is very diverse, but the quality does not always meet the expectations of consumers. The aim of the study was to study the quality and biologically active substances of refined vegetable oils (sunflower, rapeseed, corn, grape seed). The conformity of consumer properties and physico-chemical parameters of oils with the norms of the current regulatory documents has been established. A relatively high content (mg/kg) of ά-tocopherol was determined in sunflower (667.16 ± 14.22) and rapeseed (554.63 ± 10.14) oils, and relatively low content in corn (78.07 ± 2.24) , the average level is in grape seed oil (266.08 ± 6.05). There were no sharp differences in the AOA values of the oils. In terms of the number of polyphenols (mmol/l equivalents of gallic acid), the championship was given to rapeseed oil (21.21 ± 0.31), the minimum value was determined for corn oil (2.24 ± 0.06), the intermediate position was for sunflower oil (9.47 ± 0.19) and from grape seeds (5.86 ± 0.13). A significant difference was found between the levels of polyphenols in pairs: rapeseed oil - grape seed oil (p = 0.0368), rapeseed oil - corn oil (p = 0.0138); between the values of ά-tocopherol - in any pair of oils (p < 0.0001). Calculation of the Pearson correlation coefficient did not reveal a relationship between the content of ά-tocopherol and AOA, polyphenols and AOA. The largest imbalance ω6:ω3 of fatty acids was determined in sunflower oil (852:1), the smallest - in corn (69:1), the median - in grape seed oil (255:1) and rapeseed (159:1). In terms of price, sunflower oil is the most attractive (109 rubles/l), the least attractive is grape seed oil (810 rubles/l). Corn (349 rubles/l) and rapeseed (258 rubles/l) oils have the optimum price, with the latter being more competitive in terms of the buyer's solvency. In order to enrich the diet with certain essential micronutrients, it is recommended to use the appropriate oils from the studied samples, depending on the purchasing power of the population.


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How to Cite

Naumova Н. Л., Bets Ю. А. . ., Kovaleva Е. Г. . ., & Abushanab С. А. С. . (2022). QUALITY AND BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES REFINED VEGETABLE OILS: EDN: XCJKJT. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, 1(4), 160–166. https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2022.04.021