



In the modern world, it is impossible to underestimate the importance of fermented dairy products in the human diet. Fermented milk products have unique properties that help strengthen the body and enhance its protective functions. This article discusses the process of optimizing fermentation in the production of fermented milk products. The main purpose of this work is to opti­mize the fermentation process and study the influence of various technological modes on the activity of the leavening microflora and the quality indicators of the fermented milk product. The study used generally accepted methods of organoleptic and physico-chemical analysis. Studies conducted in the field of the formation of fermented milk gel allowed us to establish a significant effect of the dose of the introduced starter culture and the fermentation temperature on the change in active acidity. Violation of the temperature regime during fermentation negatively affects the activity of the starter microflora, and an excessive or insufficient number of microorganisms can lead to undesirable consequences, such as a change in taste, improper consistency or a decrease in the shelf life of the product. It has been established that dose control of the introduced starter culture and compliance with optimal temperature conditions are key aspects for obtaining high activity of the fermentation microflora and the optimal rate of acid formation during the formation of a fermented milk gel. As a result of the performed research, a mathematical model was developed describing the fermentation process in the production of fermented milk product. Based on this model, the optimal dosage of the starter culture containing Streptococcus thermophiles micro-organisms was determined. The obtained results of this study can be useful for society and industry, contributing to improving the production process of fermented milk products and improving their quality


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How to Cite

Urbah М. С. ., & Sturova Ю. Г. . (2024). OPTIMIZATION OF FERMENTATION PROCESS IN PRODUCTION OF FERMENTED MILK PRODUCTS: CZILLA. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (2), 175–181. https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2024.02.022

