



breakfast cereals,, technology of breakfast cereals, HACCP, risk management, safety , quality, critical control points, fruit and berry raw materials,, blueberries, concentrated fruit and berry extracts


The Russian consumer market of breakfast cereals has recently seen an increase in production volumes, which requires manufacturers to find new solutions to expand the range of products taking into account modern consumer demand. An important requirement is the quality and safety of manufactured products, including products with a functional focus or increased nutritional value. The research carried out is related to the analysis of hazardous factors in the production technology of fortified breakfast cereals to eliminate risks affecting the quality and safety of the finished product. The work examines the production technology of the developed granulated dry breakfast cereal enriched with blueberries. Information about the product, its composition, properties, and distinctive characteristics is provided. The controlled parameters carried out at the stages of the technological process are given. An analysis of hazardous factors was carried out and preventive actions were determined for each technological operation. Risks that negatively affect product safety during technological operations have been identified: acceptance of raw materials (blueberries), drying of berries, extraction, drying of meal, evaporation, granulation. At these stages, biological risks are possible (the appearance of mold, the presence of agricultural pests), which pose a threat to the safety of the final product and require control over them, and chemical risks associated with the destruction of vitamin C and biologically active substances when the temperature rises above 55 ° C. Based on the risk analysis, a HACCP work plan is proposed and critical control points are described to eliminate high-probability risks in the technological process


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How to Cite

Kravchenko С. Н. ., & Резниченко, И. Ю. . (2024). RISK MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION OF VITAMINIZED BREAKFAST POWDERS: IIRZMM. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (3), 121–127. https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2024.03.018




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