The results of studies of the effect of psyllium as a source of dietary fiber on the qualitative characteristics of multicomponent mixtures for biscuits are presented. It was found that the introduction of 1-7% psyllium instead of a part of premium wheat flour increases the content of dietary fiber in multicomponent mixtures by 1.2-2.7 times. A pronounced negative effect of psyllium on the color and whiteness of multicomponent mixtures has been recorded, which imposes a restriction on the use of this component in mixtures in an amount exceeding 5% instead of part of the flour. The effect of psyllium on the mass fraction of moisture and acidity of multicomponent mixtures has not been detected. The relaxation of the protein-proteinase complex of multicomponent mixtures has been proven: when using psyllium as a prescription ingredient of mixtures over 3%, gluten falls into the category of "non-washable". The addition of 1-7% psyllium increases the number of drops and the water absorption capacity of multicomponent mixtures by 6-27% and 4-11%, respectively, relative to the control sample. The development of prototypes of biscuits made it possible to establish the possibility and expediency of using a multicomponent mixture with 5% psyllium in their production: the obtained samples had a regular shape, a smooth surface with noticeable inclusions of gray and brown, the appearance in the fracture was layered, with equal porosity, without blisters, hardening and traces of non-kneading, taste and smell characteristic for this type of product. The mass fraction of moisture, acidity, alkalinity of biscuits with psyllium did not differ from these quality indicators of the control sample baked without an enriching additive. The use of psyllium made it possible to improve the structure of products, which naturally increased the thickness of biscuits and the wetness of finished products.
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