



quality deployment function, consumer preferences matrix, wafers with fillings, consumer expectations, technical characteristics


A demonstration of the application of the QFD method as a tool for identifying customer priorities and consumer preferences for the characteristics of wafers with fillings is presented. Matching customer needs with product characteristics by deploying a quality function suggests a product implementation approach focused on user quality criteria and converting customer needs into technical requirements. The results of the House of Quality Matrix are presented, which shows ranked characteristics that reflect consumer expectations, the proposed technical characteristics of wafers and the degree of satisfaction of wafer consumers in a comparative assessment of the product of different competing brands.

Objects and methods of research. The objects of the study in identifying consumer selection criteria were samples of wafers with chocolate filling. As a research method, the method of qualimetric analysis was used - the QFD quality deployment function. Wafer quality was assessed according to GOST 14031-2014. Organoleptic indicators, net weight and size of products were evaluated according to GOST 5897-90; determination of moisture - according to GOST 5900, the mass fraction of the filling was determined by the weight method, the analysis of the labeling was performed for compliance with the requirements of TR TS 022/2011 "Food products in terms of their labeling"; packaging analysis - according to TR CU 005/2011 "On the safety of packaging".

Results and its discussion. The criteria reflecting the wishes of consumers were identified, the criteria were ranked according to the degree of importance, the wishes of consumers were converted into requirements for product quality.

Conclusions and recommendations. The integration of the obtained data will make it possible to comprehensively solve the problems of increasing the competitiveness of products of the same name. The resulting matrix allows us to approach the assessment of each product characteristic in terms of its importance for the consumer, as well as in terms of the technical feasibility of its implementation. The indicator "mass fraction of the filling", recommended as a normalized quality indicator for flour confectionery products with fillings, is highlighted.


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How to Cite

Reznichenko И. Ю. ., Ageenko Д. Д. . ., & Shcheglov М. С. . (2022). QUALITY ANALYSIS OF FLOUR CONFECTIONERY PRODUCTS USING THE QUALITY FUNCTION DEVELOPMENT METHOD: EDN: FEZRGJ. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (2), 42–50. https://doi.org/10.25712/ASTU.2072-8921.2022.02.006




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