
  • Elena N. Druzhechkova Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
  • Nadezhda A. Velichko Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
  • Vera A. Khanipova Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
  • Ekaterina N. Ayoshina Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Academician I.F. Reshetnev



juice, sea buckthorn, whey, chemical composition, content, protein, acidity, amino acids, mineral elements


To improve the qualitative characteristics of the product, to give original organoleptic properties in the technological processes of cheese and cheese products, manufacturers have increasingly begun to use various additives of plant origin, including berry, which contribute to the enrichment of the product with functional components. The object of the study was served as a cheesy sea buckthorn whey obtained during the production of cheese with the addition of the upper part of the juice of wild sea buckthorn fruits.

The article presents the results of the biochemical composition of cheese whey obtained as a result of obtaining cheese of semi-hard varieties with the addition of the upper part of sea buckthorn juice, which was used to enrich the cheese with physiologically significant com-ponents contained in it, expanding the assortment, giving original organoleptic indicators to the product.The article presents the results of biochemical composition of whey obtained as a result of obtaining semi-hard cheese with the addition of the upper part of sea buckthorn juice, which was used to enrich the cheese with physiologically significant com-ponents contained in it, expanding the range, giving original organoleptic indicators to the product.

The study of the chemical composition of raw sea buckthorn whey showed that the protein content was 0.156%, lactose 3.77%, acidity 11.50˚T. Amino acid composition of protein is represented by all essential amino acids, but their content is much lower compared to that in ideal protein. Of the essential amino acids, leucine, isoleucine (0.4850 m.d. in 100 mg) and threonine (0.6368 m.d. in 100 mg) are the most abundant. The content of ash substances amounted to 0.58 %. In the elemental composition of ash substances sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus were found in large amounts.

It has been established that sea buckthorn whey, formed as a result of cheese production with the addition of sea buckthorn fruit juice, is a raw material containing physiologically significant components and can be used as a base in the production of food and feed products.


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How to Cite

Druzhechkova Е. Н., Velichko Н. А., Khanipova В. А., & Ayoshina Е. Н. (2024). The BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF WHEY SEA BUCKTHORN WHEY: OPJSRF. Polzunovskiy VESTNIK, (3), 117–120.

